This excellent museum occupies the old Art Nouveau buildings of the Old England stores (3000m2 of exhibition space) and is one of the biggest collection of instruments in the world. The four exhibition levels display nearly 1200 instruments (from the 7000 items of the entire collection), antique or contemporary, in a stage set blending the acoustic and visual aspects and integrating technological tools such as interactive terminals and sound spaces. People with visual disability can also enjoy a tailor-made visit, thanks to a tactile and customised approach offered in an interactive place, the Jardin d'Orphée. People with hearing difficulties will be able to do the same by feeling the vibrations of the instruments and trying them out. The museum also has training, activity and research spaces? as well as a library - (T (0)2 545 01 70) specialising in musical instruments.
Source: visitbrussels.be